IPL Photorejuvenation offers the advantage of improving skin tone and imperfections associated with aging and sun damage. A noninvasive approach to skin rejuvenation, the procedure is ideal for any part of your face, neck and chest to reduce skin redness, telangiectasia (tiny veins) or brown spots.
In addition to IPL, Orlando Skin Solutions offers the diverse line of pigment laser treatments below:
Melasma Laser
Melasma causes dark, discolored patches on the skin and is most common in women and those with darker skin tones. The Lutronic Spectra laser targets both the epidermal and dermal pigmented layers of the skin. This helps restore your skin’s glowing and youthful appearance.
Hollywood Laser Peel
The Hollywood Laser Peel targets pigmentation to be broken up and removed naturally by the body and stimulates the body’s natural collagen production. This treatment is painless, has no downtime, and instantly reduces the appearance of fine lines, large pores and acne scarring to make your skin smoother and softer to the touch.
Sun Spot Laser
The Lutronic Spectra laser is your solution to spot-treat pigment due to age, sun damage, freckles and more.
Laser Genesis
Cutera Laser Genesis skin therapy stimulates natural processes to promote vibrant and healthy looking skin. It is scientifically proven to produce new collagen for the treatment of fine wrinkles, redness and scars.