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BOTOX® for Hyperhidrosis: Effectively Eliminate Excessive Sweating

Relieve your suffering from the effects of excessive sweating of your underarms, palms, feet, face, scalp or other areas with safe and highly effective BOTOX® treatment for sweating from Orlando Skin Solutions.


6 Hours




Every 6 to 12 Months

* Varies by individual


6 Hours




Every 6 to 12 Months

* Varies by individual

Enjoy Long-Lasting Relief from Excessive Sweating

If you suffer from excessive sweating (also known as hyperhidrosis), the problem can have significant personal, social and professional impacts. BOTOX® treatment offers a simple and long-lasting method of reducing your excessive sweating. A safe and effective treatment for sweating, BOTOX® is administered by injection in your underarms or just below the surface of the skin in any area where you suffer from excessive sweating.

How BOTOX® for Sweating Treatment Works

BOTOX® uses a natural purified protein to temporarily block the chemical messenger that turns on the sweat glands that make you sweat. Treatment with BOTOX® does not eliminate your body’s ability to sweat, it just turns down the overactive glands in the specific area the treatment is provided.

Schedule Your BOTOX® for Sweating Treatment Today

Get relief from the effects of excessive sweating with BOTOX® treatment from Orlando Skin Solutions.

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  • Is BOTOX® safe for the treatment of excessive sweating?

    Yes, BOTOX® has been FDA-approved for the treatment of excessive sweating.

  • What areas of the body can be treated effectively for excessive sweating?

    BOTOX® for sweating treatment can be used effectively on such areas as the underarms, hands, feet, face, scalp, under the breasts and in the groin.

  • Does this treatment cause me to sweat more on other areas of my body?

    No, the sweat production is simply turned off in the treatment area, much like turning off a faucet. The underarms is only 2% of your body surface area and it is not dangerous to stop sweating in a small area. You will still produce enough sweat from other areas of your body for your body to function normally.

  • How do I know if BOTOX® for Hyperhidrosis is right for me?

    If you suffer from the effects of excessive sweating, please schedule an appointment with the experts at Orlando Skin Solutions to find out if BOTOX® may be the right treatment for you.